Lesson 02-05: Boolean Expressions

Learning Target: I can predict the outcome of boolean expressions.

Right now the programs that we’ve been writing have beem very straightforward - they run instruction after instruction, in the order that it was written. Computers act smart when they can make decisions, and in order to make decisions, we have to learn about boolean expressions.

Simple Boolean Operators

A boolean expression is simply any expression that evaluates to be True or False. While we learned about the PEMDAS operators before, none of those apply to boolean expressions. There are three basic operators covered in this lesson:

  • and
  • or
  • not

and and or are both operators that require two boolean terms - like True and False. The not operator, however, is only applied to a single term.

We can evaluate the expression of boolean expressions with truth tables.

Truth Tables

Truth Tables are tables that list all possible outcomes for a given operator. The simplest example of a truth table is the table for the not operator.


The not operator takes a boolean expression and turns it into its opposite. So if I have True as my statement, then using not would turn it into not True - which is False.

Here’s how the truth table for not looks:

If A is: Then not A is:
True False
False True

The way this table is read is as follows:

  • if A is True, then not A is False
  • if A is False, then not A is True


With and, we require two boolean terms - we’ll call them A and B. This time, when we construct our truth table, we will have to list all possible combinations of A and B where either one of them can be True or False.

If A is: If B is: Then A and B is:
True True True
True False False
False True False
False False False

I think it’s important to understand the logic behind why this is.

Think of A and B being two independent statements that can be either True or False. A and B is a single statement that speaks to the truthiness or falseness of both statements together. As an example, let’s make the following statements:

  • A means that the Earth is roundish
  • B means that the sky is made of lemons

Individually, A is obviously True and B is obviously False. However, when we think about it in the context of our real-life examples, if you were to say them together as one statement: “The Earth is roundish AND the sky is made of lemons”, then the statement as a whole is false. This is why True and False ==> False, and False and True ==> False.

It should be pretty obvious that when you say two truthful statements together, then the entire thing is truthful. Or if you say two false statements together, then the entire thing is false.

As a general rule for and statements: “A and B” is True as long as both of them are True.


With or, we can logic our way through the truth table. I like making statements for my A and B, it makes it easier to understand. Let’s say that:

  • A means “it is raining outside”
  • B means “it is cloudy”

Individually, A and B could be True or False depending on the weather in your local area. However, if we consider the statement A or B, meaning “it is raining outside or it is cloudy”, then either one of those statements being True makes the whole statement True.

We can still maintain that both being True is truthful and both being False is false. Here’s how our truth table looks:

If A is: If B is: Then A or B is:
True True True
True False True
False True True
False False False

As a general rule for or statements: “A or B” is True whenever either one of them is True.

Order of Operations & Sample Exercise

The order of operations for boolean operators and, or, not are as follows:

  • Any parentheses () first
  • Then not
  • Then and
  • The or last

Make sure you memorize this information! You will need it on the exercises below.

Example: Evaluate the following boolean expression: True and False and not False or True

  • Step 1: Evaluate all not operators:

    • True and False and not False or True
    • True and False and True or True
  • Step 2: Evaluate all and operators:

    • True and False and True or True
    • False and True or True
    • False and True or True
    • False or True
  • Step 3: Evaluate all or operators:

    • False or True
    • True

Thus our final answer is True!

Checks for Understanding

With booleans, each question really only has one answer - True or False. Therefore, try to make sure you are certain of the answer before you attempt it, otherwise it will be ruined! Try not to guess - guessing will not help you get more comfortable with booleans. Use paper and pencil if you need it - it’s good to show your steps, just like in math class.


        ch0205-1: Drag the blocks in the order in which they would be evaluated.Parentheses


    ch0205-2: Evaluate: True and False or True
  • (A) True
  • (B) False
  • Feel free to check the charts above for reference. Make sure you go step by step!


    ch0205-3: Evaluate: False or False and not True
  • (A) True
  • Feel free to check the charts above for reference. Make sure you go step by step!
  • (B) False


    ch0205-4: Evaluate: not (True or True and False and True)
  • (A) True
  • Feel free to check the charts above for reference. Make sure you go step by step!
  • (B) False


    ch0205-5: Evaluate: True and False and (True and False) or not False or False
  • (A) True
  • (B) False
  • Feel free to check the charts above for reference. Make sure you go step by step!


    ch0205-6: Evaluate: (False or True) and ((True and False) or not (True or False))
  • (A) True
  • Feel free to check the charts above for reference. Make sure you go step by step!
  • (B) False
Next Section - Lesson 02-06: Comparison Operators