Hi, I'm Tim. I taught high school computer science for three years. Now I write code for a living. Sometimes I still teach people things.
Find me
Where I've Worked
Here's a link to a resume that hasn't been updated since 2022.
- Lithic - Senior Software Engineer
- NerdWallet - Senior Software Engineer
- Repl.it - Software Engineer
- MongoDB - Teacher Fellow
- NYC Dept of Education - Professional Development Leader, Curriculum Developer
- Urban Assembly Gateway School for Technology - Computer Science Teacher
- CodingRooms - Contract Software Engineer
- Private Software Engineering Tutor - Middle/High School students, AP CS A
I also do some work for trading communities, building market reporting and alerting tools, as well as backtesting engines.
Sometimes I find myself in the news?
- NY Daily News - Computer science teacher may be key to NYC's $81M plan to boost STEM courses
- WSJ - New Push to Hire Male Teachers of Color
- MongoDB - Investing In CS4All: Training Teachers and Helping Them Build Curricula
- MongoDB - Investing in CS4All: One Year Later
Older Projects
Note: Links may or may not be dead. Feel free to poke at the source code.
Web Apps
X Days Since - Keep track of the last time something happened. Full stack TypeScript with Express, MongoDB, React. (source)
Keep In Touch - a social network for sharing contact information with friends. Motivated by writing letters for friends and being able to surprise them with mail without having to ask for their address. Full stack TypeScript with Express, GraphQL Apollo, Postgres, and React. (source)
Help a Hacker - a tool for facilitating mentorship and requests for help at local hackathons. Create events, join events as a mentor/attendee, create help requests as an attendee, and resolve them as a mentor. Full stack TypeScript with Express, MongoDB, React, and Redux. (source))
Note: most live links are dead, so feel free to just look at the source.
- Intro to CS Interactive Textbook written using Runestone Interactive (source)
- HTTP Demo via Guestbook (source)
- Pick a person with transparency (source)
- Super simple database wrapper used for learning (source)
- Demystify bootstrap styles for students with this tool (source)
CS4All learning units in partnership with MongoDB
Computer science lessons embedded into tools to be used in other subject areas:
- Dice Rolling Simulation - tool for teaching probability and the law of large numbers. Covers the algorithm behind the tool for counting with a simple interactive debugger. (source)
- Historical Word Cloud Generator - word clouds from old archived newspapers from the Library of Congress. Covers algorithm for counting words in text, web scraping, and databases. (source)